Wednesday, April 11, 2012

UAH History Alumna Defends MA Thesis in Sociology at the University of Iowa

Veronica Ferreira, who graduated from UAH in 2010 with dual majors in history and sociology and a minor in Women's Studies, recently defended her MA thesis in sociology at the University of Iowa. The title is "Marital Happiness and Marital Satisfaction: A Test of Role Conflict and Congruence."

For her thesis, Veronica used survey data collected in 1986 out of Wayne County, MI (Veroff et al) to test the impact of role conflict (and elements of role conflict) on marital happiness and marital satisfaction. She found that when women perceive the demands of paid labor as frequently disruptive to their married lives, they tend to be less happy with their marriages, but no less satisfied. Additionally, she found that the higher the household income, the more satisfied with marriage both spouses tend to be. Finally, she found that the number of children one has is associated with lower marital happiness and marital satisfaction, regardless of the sex of the respondent.

A version of this project was presented at the Midwest Sociological Association’s annual conference in March, 2012.

Veronica is currently expanding her analysis to include an examination of the same couples in 1987, 1988, and 1989.

Congratulations, Veronica!

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