Friday, March 25, 2011

Alumni Update from Whitney Snow

The history department is pleased to announce that MA alum Whitney Snow has just passed her comprehensive exams for her PhD studies at Mississippi State University. Her fields are U.S. History Since 1877; U.S. History to 1877; Southern History; and Agricultural, Rural, and Environmental History. She is now working on her dissertation proposal and plans to write on the domestic tung oil industry. Whitney has also been busy presenting her research at academic conferences and has published articles in the Journal of East Tennessee History and the Alabama Review, and articles accepted by Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture and the Journal of Mississippi History. Whitney also very much enjoys her work as a teaching assistant at Mississippi State, though she finds it hard to get to know her students when she has over 300 at one time!

We are pleased to hear how well Whitney is doing and wish her luck as she continues the dissertation process!

1 comment:

Susanna said...

Whitney I am so proud of you!!!!! much confetti for all your great accomplishments

News and Notes

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