Thursday, January 29, 2009

Congratulations to Sandra Mendiola

We are pleased to announce that first year faculty member Dr. Sandra Mendiola has received a UAH Research Mini-Grant for $4,651.00 and a UAH Humanities Center Faculty Research Grant of $2165.00 to pursue research on "Mexico's 'Dirty War' on Street Vendors, 1973-1986" in Puebla and Mexico City, Mexico, in Summer 2009. In Mexico City, she will visit the General National Archive and the National Autonomous University's newspapers collection, and in Puebla, she will also conduct oral interviews with female street vendors. This research will contribute to Sandra's book manuscript, a revision of her doctoral dissertation, tentatively entitled "Marketers, Street Vendors, and Politics in Mexico."

Sandra has also been invited to be the featured scholar at a February meeting of the Newberry Library in Chicago. Her pre-circulated paper on the state repression that street vendors faced as they formed a militant union that fought for access to public spaces will be the sole subject of discussion for organizers and participants.

Pictured here see Sandra conducting an oral history interview during her dissertation research.

The History Department is delighted that Sandra is off to such a good start and congratulations her on her early successes!

1 comment:

Susanna said...

wow that is awesome! congrats!!!!!It is so hard to get grants these days.

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