The UAHuntsville Department of History and the History Channel recently hosted a public history institute for fifteen tenth-graders from Huntsville High School from June 14-18, 2010. The high school students, with help from four UAHuntsville history students, learned about history and historical methods by working on a history website, participating in an archaeological dig at the remains of a plantation house on Redstone Arsenal, taking a military staff ride at Chickamauga Battlefield, touring the Special Collections at the Huntsville Public Library, and learning about antebellum life at the Weeden House in downtown Huntsville. These activities allowed students to interact with history and learn skills that are often used to recreate the past. The students, mentors, and teachers who participated in the first annual summer institute enjoyed a fun and educational week . . . despite the hot weather!
Kudos to Dr. John Kvach for his leadership and coordination of the institute, as well as to all of the UAH students who helped make the week a success: Charity Ethridge, Michael Henriksen, John Milling, Whitney Reid, Joshua Riddle, Ben Tyler, and Emily Hampton.