On Saturday, February 7, four members of the Tau Omega chapter of the Phi Alpha Theta history honorary at UAHuntsville traveled to Livingston, Alabama, to present papers at the 2009 Regional Phi Alpha Theta Conference hosted by the University of West Alabama.
Thomas Bockhorn presented a paper on "How the Children Saw It: James Hamilton Couper, Bennet Barrow, and Slavery." Jamie Farrell presented a paper on "Three Ways of Looking: Three Different Visual Representations of the Prostitute in Nineteenth Century Europe." Elisabeth Spalding presented on "Lesbian Persecution under the Third Reich." Sarah Fisher presented on "Vague Condemnations and a Vindicated Conscience: Pius XII and the Holocaust," for which she won a "Best Paper" prize. Faculty Advisor Molly Johnson accompanied the students and moderated a panel on U.S. Labor History.
We are very proud of our students and their hard work preparing for and participating in the PAT conference. They did us proud!
Pictured here see Thomas, Jamie, Sarah, and Elisabeth relaxing outside after their presentations. See also Jamie, Sarah, and Elisabeth -- with moderator Joe Frazer from Judson College -- before their presentations.